How to stay motivated to reach your health and weight loss goals?
Are you motivated to lose weight and achieve a healthy lifestyle?
Guess what? You will mess up. You’ll snooze through your alarm, you will skip workouts, you will get stressed, you will overeat, you will lose motivation.
It is easy to start off motivated but what happens when that initial motivation wears off? We are all human and we make human choices. Let’s explore some ways to stay motivated to reach your health and weight loss goals

How to stay motivated and achieve your health and weight loss goals
I love nothing more than celebrating my clients. I do a happy dance every time they share their wins with me. When you have long-term or big goals how do you stay motivated?
Celebrate the small wins!
Yes, it feels AMAZING to reach your long-term goals but there are so many small wins to celebrate along the way. This is your journey and it is time to be grateful for all that your body can do and how it supports you along the way.
Smalls wins could look like this:
- Meal prepped healthy meals
- Went to bed at the same time every night
- Drank water before coffee every morning
- Completed 3 workouts
- Mediated 3 minutes every day
Give yourself 5 minutes each Friday to write out ALL your wins of the week. You might be surprised how many you can come up with. Then do a happy dance and go kickstart your weekend with positive vibes.
Want to know more? Send me a DM on Instagram and ask how we can work together or schedule a free consultation call here.