Hello, thirty’s and thriving! Here are a few lessons I’ve learned along the way to 35 to make my 30’s the happiest and healthiest.
It seems crazy to me that I am now 35, I still feel like I’m 21 years old. I wish I could go back in time and share these learnings with my younger self, but it is all part of the journey. So my hope is that you will find some value in them.

35 Things I Learned in my 35 Years
1. The scariest choice is usually the right one
The scariest choice is usually the right one, but it is usually outside of your comfort zone so is harder to make the jump. The big choices that I have made over the years that have been the most rewarding also caused me the most anxiety to make because I was scared.
2. Getting enough quality sleep will help you reach so many of your goals easier
Sleep is underrated. Want to focus better? Want to lose weight? Want to be more present? Want to heal your hormones? Want glowy skin? Getting quality sleep is essential to feeling your best, looking your best, and having more fun. I wish I could go back and tell myself that 6 hours is not enough and I am burning myself out that way. You need 7-9 hours of good sleep every night, so instead of just focusing on your morning routine start creating a night routine to wind down and rest
3. It is never too late to take chance or try something new
Want to live somewhere new? Go back to school? Change careers? It is never too late to learn something new. I wanted to get my master’s degree in nutrition but was too afraid to have to go back because of all the prerequisites. Later, I went back to school at 32 for health. I changed careers at 34. I started doing yoga at 30. I have learned it is never too late to change the course of your life and it is better to try than to look back and wonder “what if.”
4. Smile at everyone you meet you never know what someone is going through
Ever had someone smile or say a kind word to you when you were feeling down? A stranger can brighten your whole day. Being kind and smiling at others will bring you joy and maybe be just what someone needs.
5. The only person you can change is yourself
You can’t force anyone to change. All that will end in is frustration and putting your energy into something that you can’t control. Focus on changing yourself and living by example.
6. Your attitude determines your day
Life isn’t about what happens to you it is about how you react to what comes your way. It is about waking up and having the mindset of “get to do” instead of “have to do.” By shifting your perspective and keeping a positive mindset when. itis difficult you will be able to find gratitude in what you have.
7. If you don’t schedule and plan time for yourself daily it probably won’t happen
I have learned that if I don’t take time for myself in the morning it typically doesn’t happen. We often put ourselves at the bottom of our to-do list and more often than not never seem to make time. Make yourself a priority and schedule your me-time into your day so you won’t skip it.
8. Calories matter but you don’t have to count calories to reach your goals
Calories matter and it is useful to understand the macronutrients in your food. However, if you have to rely on counting calories to reach your goals it is not sustainable and can create a negative relationship between food and your body. When you focus on eating real food and tuning it into your body’s needs you will be able to reach your goals without having to track everything you eat.
9. Belly laughs release tension
Be sill and playful. Nothing releases stress and brings joy like a big belly laugh.
10. Alcohol can be fun, but if you need alcohol to have fun or relax you may need to do some self-evaluation
Looking back, I can see I used to use alcohol to feel confident and because I felt like I had to drink in certain social situations. I blacked out or browned out more times than I care to admit. I stopped drinking altogether when I was in a relationship with an alcoholic and it was one of the most enlightening experiences. I now drink occasionally, but no longer rely on alcohol to have fun or feel relaxed. If you need a drink to have fun all the time it is often a clue that something deeper is keeping you from happiness or maybe you are hanging out in situations that are not the best for you.
11. You can’t hate yourself healthy or happy
You are beautiful just the way you are. You are beautiful inside and out. Hating yourself and picking apart your life or body won’t make you happier or healthier. Love yourself enough to treat your body right and create the life you love.
12. Everyone has something they can teach you (children, animals, that person you think you know more than they do)
Everyone has something they are good at and can teach you. Some of the most valuable lessons I learned were from when I was a special education teacher. I learned so much from working with children with special needs and seeing how everyone had something they could bring to the world.
13. Spend the money on quality skin care and treatments, don’t just buy what is trendy
I will happily spend my money on medical-grade skincare and laser treatments rather than having a cabinet full of trendy cute products. Narrow down your skincare routine to a few products that are effective. Medical grade skincare, gua sha, ice rolling, and daily sunscreen are my must-haves, plus I love a good Fraxel laser treatment once a year.
14. Get outside every single day (preferably in the morning) it will do wonders for your health & mental health
Just go outside. Go for a walk, drink your coffee on the patio, and just get outside daily. Getting outside helps to melt away stress, regulate our circadian rhythm, and boost energy.
15. There is no shame in getting a divorce or ending a relationship that no longer works for you
I separated from my first husband at 29 when most of my friends were newlyweds, getting married, or starting a family. I struggled for a long time deciding to end my marriage because I felt shame that I had failed or I knew I shouldn’t have gone through with the wedding. Once, I finally separated I felt so much relief and now I know that people come and go in your life and not everyone is meant to last.
16. Your period is your 5th vital sign, and if something is off birth control does not “fix” the problem, it is just a band-aid
Your period tells a lot about your health and your hormone health. If something is off, birth control will not fix it. Birth control is synthetic hormones that mask the problem. Get to the root cause and see your period as a superpower to gauge what your body needs.
17. Walks are good exercise. You don’t have to do HIIT or run to lose weight or get sweaty for it to count
Younger me would laugh at considering a walk to be exercise. I used to think every workout had to end with using the elliptical, treadmill, or some kind of HIIT workout, which in the long run just gave me adrenal fatigue. Walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise that almost everyone can do and requires no special equipment or membership.
18. Be mindful of whom you surround yourself with and surround yourself with people who lift you up
Who we spend our time with influences our mindset, choices, values, and behaviors. Surround yourself with those who will uplift you and encourage growth.
19. Meditation is not some woo-woo thing it has real benefits and is simply a way to clear your mind and focus on yourself for a few moments
Mediation does not mean you won’t have thoughts or you have to sit for 20 minutes. Meditation has many benefits and learning to clear your mind for a few moments every day will bring peace
20. Caffeine is great, but if you need caffeine for energy take inventory of your current lifestyle
There is something about the buzz of energy I get with caffeine that always makes me want more. However, there was a time I lived on caffeine and pre-workout to get me through my day and have energy. What I really needed was sleep and stress relief. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a daily coffee or latte, but if you need caffeine to function, evaluate your lifestyle so you can have natural vibrant energy.
21. Learning to cook healthy food you enjoy is an invaluable skill
One of the first steps in having a healthy lifestyle is learning how to cook healthy meals you enjoy. I learned to cook for myself in graduate school while living on a teacher’s salary with no fancy gadgets. Creating healthy meals and recipes became a hobby, which later helped to create this blog. Cooking doesn’t have to take a lot of time, but learning to cook healthy food will benefit your health, your wallet, and be a time saver for when you are busy.
22. Know when it is time to ask for help, and don’t be afraid to ask for it
Asking for help does not make you weak. Knowing when to ask for help makes you smart and strong. Help can mean therapy or just asking a friend, family member, or co-worker for assistance. Never be too prideful to admit you need help.
23. Make every day special in small ways
Every day is a gift. When you look back, even the hard times will have good in them and you will miss parts of it. Stop waiting for a special occasion and make every day special. Light candles, buy yourself flowers, make a fancy latte, it is the little things daily that make it special.
24. Supplements are not magic and will not give huge results on their own. My must-have supplements are Vitamin D and magnesium
There is no special drink, vitamin, or supplement that will magically make you healthy, lose weight, or meet your goals. Supplements are extra on top of a healthy lifestyle. If you aren’t doing the basics don’t spend your money on supplements, spend it on healthy food. The supplements I have found to be the most beneficial for me are Vitamin D and magnesium.
25. Go to sleep earlier and around the same time every day. Work with your circadian rhythm not against it
Allowing myself to go to bed early and wake up early gives me so much natural energy. Once you start working with your circadian rhythm you will be able to go to sleep easier and wake up without snoozing the alarm and feeling groggy. Going to sleep early improves your quality of sleep, makes managing your weight easier, gives you energy, and can support your immune system.
26. Always have an open mind and be willing to learn
One of the things I am most proud of myself for is being willing to learn, grow, and change my mind and ideas. Knowledge changes you for the better and having an open mind teaches you empathy and the ability to look at something from another perspective.
27. Don’t underestimate the power of fresh flowers, hugs, puppy snuggles, or a solo dance party to boost your mood
Self-care and boosting your mood can be simple. Make life more joyful and boost your mood with hugs, flowers, and dance parties.
28. A clean space decreases anxiety and boosts productivity
Clutter can be distracting. Organizing can take time but is worth it in the long run. A clean home and workspace helps to keep your mind clear and allows you to work without distraction.
29. No is a complete answer, you don’t have to explain yourself.
No is a complete sentence. Stop feeling the need for excused or to explain your choices to everyone.
30. People will treat you how you let them treat you
If you allow someone to treat you badly they will keep doing it. Have the confidence to stand up for what you deserve and need.
31. Don’t wait for perfection. It is okay to make mistakes that is how we learn
As a person who struggles with perfectionism this can be difficult, but progress over perfection. You will see so much more progress when you start celebrating the little wins and when you start before you are ready. Mistakes are how we learn, grow, and improve. It is better to fail than never start.
32. Building blood-sugar balancing meals is the key to satiety, consistent energy, weight loss, and weight maintenance
Stop cutting out carbs, eating low fat, or measuring everything you eat. When you learn to build blood sugar-balancing meals you will have consistent energy, shut off your hunger hormones, and boosts your metabolism.
33. Just drink more water. Preferably filtered water, and with lemon and sea salt in the morning
We all know we should drink more water so just do it. Carry a huge water bottle with you all day to stay hydrated. Filtered water is best and in the morning it is great to start with a little lemon juice and sea salt for minerals and liver detoxification.
34. You don’t have to attend every argument you are invited too
People are going to have different opinions. Sometimes it is better to say you are sorry, state you don’t care to have this conversation, or change the subject
35. People will always talk about you so you might as well do what makes you happy and live your dream
In five years you won’t care what people thought of you or your decisions. You get one life so live your dream, do what makes you happy, and attract people who make your life better.
Tell me on Instagram what resonates with you or what you would add. If this inspires you maybe you want to create a vision board to focus on your personal goals