5 Things to do for your Health Every Morning

Five things to do every morning to set yourself up for a healthy successful day. 

Do you rush out of bed or have a morning routine? Mornings set the tone for the day. Add these 5 simple steps to your morning routine to improve your overall health and mood.

5 things to do for your health every morning

5 things to do for your health every morning

1. Check basal body temperature to track my cycle, hormones, and fertility awareness:

Checking your basal body temperature can be used as a way to predict fertility and track your monthly cycle. Tracking your monthly cycle helps you be in tune with your body and know which of the four stages of the menstrual cycle you are in.  

2. Tongue Scrape:

Tongue scraping is life-changing. Once you start you will never stop. Tongue scraping can remove bacteria, reduce bad breath, improve your sense of taste, and can help curb cravings from flavors lingering on your tongue. This is my tongue scraper that I even take with me when I travel. 

3. Morning Journal and Intention Setting:

It does not need to take more than a few minutes. Taking a few deep breaths and deciding how you want your day to feel and focusing on the positive can reduce anxiety and make the day go smoother. I like to write three things I am grateful for and complete the sentence: today I want to feel _____. Setting intentions and journaling for a few moments allows you to focus on yourself and be in the present. 

4. Rebound for a few minutes:

Rebounding is pretty much just a fancy way of saying jumping on a trampoline. I use a mini trampoline that is in my office.  By rebounding on a mini-trampoline you stimulate your lymphatic system, help flush out toxins, get your blood flowing, and wake up your body, and plus it is fun! 

5. Morning Sunlight: 

Exposure to morning sunlight boosts your mood and regulates your circadian rhythm for better sleep. Have your coffee outside, go for a short walk, just get some morning light to wake yourself up, produce serotonin, and improve your sleep. 

Tag me @lauralivewell and tell me which of these you will start incorporating in your morning. 

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